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Private IP for webhooks

Hello CASTAi do you have fixed ip addresses from the servers you send webhooks from ? if yes could you please provide it regards

Self-Hosting CAST AI Inquiry

Hello CAST AI Team, I am interested in knowing if there is a possibility to host CAST AI on a self-hosted machine instead of a sharing my cluster details to CAST AI platform. Could you provide more details on this possibility and any necessary requirements? Thank you.

How can we get "clusterID"

How can we get "clusterID"

Issue with DaemonSet Pods Not Running in Kubernetes Cluster

I have an issue with my daemonset (ds) in my production cluster, where the pods never run. I have 27 nodes but not all of them have the pods for my ds. The specific nodes where the ds pods are not running are: - gke-oat-1087418191068-p0-gke-euw1-cast-pool-2bfd6cfa - gke-oat-1087418191068-p0-gke-euw1-cast-pool-46d5d0ff - gke-oat-1087418191068-p0-gke-euw1-cast-pool-dad613da I'm receiving the following warning message: `FailedScheduling: 0/25 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient cpu. preemption: 0/25 nodes are available: 25 No preemption victims found for incoming pod.` Additionally, when I try to add the priority class, I receive another warning message: `FailedCreate: Error creating: insufficient quota to match these scopes: [{PriorityClass In [system-node-critical system-cluster-critical]}]` Any suggestions on how to resolve this?

Config map handling

If we have jobs running on the EKS cluster, that maintains a config map with the owner reference of the pod. So, how cast ai evictor will handle this case? will it evict the pod to another node, and in that way config map can also be removed since it has owner reference of pod but I do not want config map to be removed.

I only want to run CAST AI for monitoring what IAM permission do i need?

As far as i understand in only need the following please confirm AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess IAMReadOnlyAccess

Does Cast AI supports Oracle Cloud

I am using Oracle Cloud - OKE, the manage Kubernetes engine. Since I did not find anything related to this, Can anyone help to get this answer. Thanks.

How does allocation groups works?

im running cast ai in aws eks cluster 1.23 i'm trying to create allocations groups based on teams. I have already selected by the namespace and a few tags like app.kubernetes.io/name=service-name or app.kubernetes.io/instance=service-name but it doesnt work so far. if i go to the workloads i can see the current cost of all services running and also in the namespace section i can see the current cost of the namespace. it's like there is no recognition about the tags i'm selecting. also i have already created a new tag for the deployment like "team": "some-team" and it's not working so far. can you lend me a hand with this?

Is it open source?

I wanted to know whether this platform is open source or not?

Does It work on SelfManaged Kubernetes Cluster ?

Hi, Will CASTAI also work on "self-managed kubernetes cluster", installed on AWS EC2 instances using kubeadm tool ? Or it supports only Cloud Provider Managed Clustes like EKS,AKS,GKE ? Please suggest. Thanks!