JUMP TOCAST.AI API documentationAuthAPILoginpostLogin callbackgetCurrent login session infogetLogoutpostSAML flow callbackpostBillingAPISingle sign-on of ChargeBee portal.getRetrieves current user's subscription details.getCheckout current user's subscription.getGetUsageReport returns resource usage report.getAIEnablerAPIGetCategorizedPrompts returns a list of categorized prompts from the AI Enabler.getUpdateCategorizedPrompt updates the categorized prompt.putReturns a savings report for the API keys used in chat completions.getReturns a recommendations report for the API keys used in chat completions.getReturns a report of chat completions usage data for a specific api key.getReturns a recommendations report for the category used in chat completions.getReturns a report of chat completions usage data for a specific category.getReturns a recommendations report of chat completions data.getReturns a report of chat completions usage data.getReturns a list of models available for routing.getGetRoutingEvents returns a list of routing events.getReturns a list of supported providers along with the supported models.getAIEnablerPlaygroundAPI[Deprecated] Use /ai-optimizer/v1beta/organizations/{organization_id}/playground-chat-completions instead.postAIEnablerProvidersAPIGets the list of registered LLM providers.getRegisters LLM providers.postDeletes LLM provider.deleteUpdates the registered LLM provider.patchPrioritizes registered LLM providers.postAIEnablerSettingsAPIReturns the settings of the LLM Optimizer. If the apiKey query parameter is specified, fetches the settings for that apiKey. Otherwise, fetches the settings for the current organization. If there are no apiKey-specific settings, returns organization settings.getUpdates the settings of the LLM Optimizer.putAuditAPIListAuditEntries returns audit entries for given cluster.getAuthTokenAPILists user auth tokens.getCreateAuthToken creates a new api auth token.postDeletes auth token.deleteRetrieves the specified auth token.getUpdates the specified auth token.postAutoscalerAPIGet a Kubernetes agent install scriptgetGet karpenter definitions migration intentgetMigrate karpenter custom resource definitions to CAST AI configurationpostGet problematic nodesgetGet problematic workloadsgetGet rebalanced workloadsgetList cluster rebalancing plansgetGenerate a cluster rebalancing planpostGet a rebalancing plangetTrigger the rebalancing planpostGet cluster settingsgetGet cluster workloadsgetClusterActionsAPIPolls for pending cluster actions.getIngest cluster controller logs.postAck completed cluster action.postComponentsAPIIngestLogs accepts logs from CAST AI components running outside of the mother-ship.postAllocationGroupAPIGets allocation group timed cost summaries.getGets allocation group cost summaries.getGets allocation groups timed total cost only.getLists allocation groups.getCreates an allocation group for custom report.postGets allocation group summary for datatransfer costs.getGets allocation group efficiency summary.getDeprecated: use /v1/cost-reports/allocation-groups-summaries or /v1/cost-reports/allocation-group-costs.getGets workloads of datatransfer cost allocation group.getGets workloads of cost allocation group.getGets allocation group efficiency workloads.get[Deprecated] Use /v1/cost-reports/allocation-groups/{group_id}/workload-costs instead.getDeletes an allocation group.deleteUpdates an allocation group for custom report.putClusterReportAPIGets cluster cost report data.getGets the all the detected cost anomalies for a cluster in a given time period.getGets cluster efficiency report data.getGets the available savings estimation report. Current cluster state is evaluated and a report is generated based on the workloads and nodes running in your cluster.getGets available savings history over time. Real cluster cost and estimated optimal cost.getGets cluster resource usage.getGets the rightsizing summary for the cluster.getGets cluster savings report.getGets current details about the cluster.getGets the efficiency summary per cluster for an organization.getGets summary for all clusters for an organizationgetGets current details about all clusters of organization.getGets cost report data over all clusters of user organization.getGets the efficiency per timestamp for an organization.getGets the efficiency summary for an organization.getGet status of all castware components in the cluster.getGets unscheduled pods in the cluster.getReportConfigurationAPIGets workload grouping config.getUpserts workload grouping config.putReturns information about the report capabilities for a specific workload, e.g. if GPU is collectedgetReturns information about the report capabilities for a specific cluster, e.g. if GPU is collectedgetReturns single command for external cluster with egressd installation script.getReturns single command for external cluster with gpu-metrics-exporter installation script.getReturns egressd installation script template.getReturns gpu-metrics-exporter installation script template.getPlatformImpactReportAPIGets cost comparison report for two different periods. All clusters or selected.getNamespaceReportAPIGets cluster namespaces cost report summaries.postGets cluster namespaces data transfer reportgetGets a timed breakdown of the data transfer costs for the top K namespaces in the cluster (by default breakdown is by day).getGets cluster namespaces cost report.postGets a single namespace cost report with a daily breakdown.getNodeReportAPIGets the kubernetes label names applied to the node in the organization.postGets the kubernetes label values for the given label name.postReportMetricsAPIReturns scrapable allocation group metrics in Prometheus format.getReturns scrapable node-templates metrics in Prometheus format.getReturns scrapable workload metrics in Prometheus format.getReturns scrapable node metrics in Prometheus format.getReturns scrapable metrics in Prometheus format.getReturns scrapable workload network metrics in Prometheus format.getReturns scrapable workload metrics in Prometheus format.getWorkloadReportAPIGets workloads datatransfer costsgetGets workloads datatransfer costspostGets single workload cost report.getGets single workload cost report.getGets cluster workload efficiency report for a workload by name.getGets single workload GPU summary.getGets workload traffic destinations with their costs and history.getGets workload traffic destinations with their costs.getGets cluster workload efficiency report for the workloads.postGets cluster workloads compute cost report.postGets cluster workloads cost report.getGets cluster workloads cost report.postGets cluster workload efficiency report.getGets cluster workload efficiency report.post[Deprecated] Use `/v1/cost-reports/workload-labels/names` to get the label names and `/v1/cost-reports/workload-labels/values` to get the label values.getGets the kubernetes namespaces for the given cluster IDs.postGets the kubernetes label names applied to the workloads in the organization.postGets the kubernetes label values for the given label name.post[Deprecated] Use `/v1/cost-reports/workload-labels/values` insteadpostGets workloads GPU summary report.postGets real time workloads GPU utilization %.postGets workloads cost impact of wasted GPU resources report.postGets the workloads metadatapostDedicatedInstanceAPIListDedicatedInstances returns list of dedicated instances.getEvictorAPIGets evictor advanced configuration for the target cluster.getUpsert cluster's evictor advanced configuration.postExternalClusterAPILists clusters for current user's organization.getRegisters new external cluster.postReturns list of available filters for nodes list.getDeletes the cluster from CAST console. It won't delete the actual cluster from cloud provider's console.deleteGets the details of a specific cluster.getUpdates configuration of a specific cluster.postDelete AWS cross role user for assume role.deleteReturn AWS cross role user for assume role.getCreate AWS cross role user for assume role.postReturns AWS user arn used for assume role.getReturns single command for external cluster cleanup scriptgetReturns single command for external cluster credentials onboarding.getDisconnects cluster by removing all CAST dependencies from cloud provider's account.postHandles cloud spot interruption events for a cluster.postCreate service account for GCP impersonation.postDisable service account and service key for impersonation.postCreate service account and service key for GKE impersonation.postCreate service account and service key for GKE impersonation.postHiberantes cluster.postLists the nodes for a cluster.getAdds a node to the cluster.postDeletes the specified cluster node.deleteGets a single node by ID.getDrains the specified cluster node.postReconciles cluster.postResumes cluster.postUpdates tags of a specific cluster.postReturns cluster token that is used for agent and cluster controller.postReturns cleanup script for the specified provider.getReturns credentials onboarding script for the specified provider.getFeaturesAPIList all available feature flagsgetResolve resolves a flags for the provided contextpostInsightsAPIGet status of security agentspostGet attack paths list.getGet attack path details including graph.getGet latest best practices report.getGet resources for provided checks and filtering POST due to possible amount of parameterspostGet single check information and objects that matched the rule in the last best practices report.getEnforce linter rule as policy.postGet active exceptions for selected rulegetSend check exceptions.postGet a preview of resources that will be excepted with exception groupspostGet resources for provided check and filtering POST due to possible amount of parameterspostDelete policy enforcement.deleteRetrieve a list of possible filters for best practices report.getSchedule best practices scan for cluster.postGet all compliance standards supported for the organizationgetGetDailySummary returns the data of the daily vulnerability notification.getGet checks that have not passed but are exceptedgetGet a list of container images for organizationgetDeleteImages should be used for deleting old imagespostSend a diff of changes (x exceptions added, y exceptions removed) for excepted imagespostGet a list of possible filters for images endpointgetGet alternative images for public imagegetGet details for container image by taggetGet container image digests for organization by tag idgetGet a list of image packagesgetGet cluster resources for container imagegetGet a list of image vulnerabilitiesgetGet image vulnerability for a specific packagegetGetAttackPathsOverview returns a high-level overview of attack paths.getGetBestPracticesOverview returns a high-level overview of best practices.getGetImageSecurityOverview returns a high-level overview of image security.getGetManagedNodesOverview returns a high-level overview of managed nodes.getGetResourceDetails for display in attack path nodesgetListWorkloads lists workloads in the organizationgetGet status of security agentgetIngest log sent by Security AgentpostAgent calls this endpoint to sync state for scanned images.postAgent posts telemetry data to this endpoint.postGet list of integrations.getCreate integration.postDelete integration.deleteGet integration.getUpdate integration.patchGetProjects of the ticketing system setup through integrations.getCreateTicket in the ticketing system setup through integrations.postListClusterSecuritySettings returns a list of clusters for the organization with their security settings.getGetClusterSecuritySettings returns security settings for a specific cluster.getConfigureClusterSecuritySettings allows to configure security settings on a cluster.postInventoryBlacklistAPIGet blacklist configurationgetAdd to blacklistpostRemove from blacklistpostCommitmentsAPIDelete multiple commitmentspostUpdate multiple commitments. For commitments with auto-assignment enabled, it will additionally create missing matching assignments.postGet historical data on commitment usage. If commitmentId is "-", aggregated usage data for all commitments will be returned.getGet AWS commitments (reserved instances) import scriptgetGet a template containing AWS commitment (reserved instances) import scriptgetImport AWS commitments (reserved instances)postGet all commitments assignmentsgetAssign commitment to a clusterpostRemove commitment assignmentdeleteGet commitmentsgetImport Azure commitments (reservations)postImport GCP commitments (CUDs)postGet GCP commitments (CUDs) import scriptgetDelete commitmentdeleteGet commitmentgetUpdate commitment. If commitment auto-assignment is enabled, it will additionally create missing matching assignments.putGet commitment assignmentsgetReplace commitment assignments. If commitment auto-assignment is enabled, it will generate and append matching assignments that are missing in the request.putGet a template containing GCP commitments (CUDs) import scriptgetDiscountsAPIList discountsgetCreate discountpostDelete a given discount by its iddeleteUpdate a given discountputInventoryAPIList all unique instance type names and familiesget[Deprecated] Use /v1/savings/commitments instead.getGet used resources for the currently authenticated organizationgetSync cluster resourcespost[Deprecated] Use /v1/savings/commitments instead.get[Deprecated] Use /v1/savings/commitments/import/gcp/cud or /v1/savings/commitments/import/azure/reservation instead.post[Deprecated] Use /v1/savings/commitments instead.get[Deprecated] Use /v1/savings/commitments/import/gcp/cud or /v1/savings/commitments/import/azure/reservation instead.post[Deprecated] Use /v1/savings/commitments/{commitment_id} instead.deleteList all regionsgetList all zonesgetPricingAPIList hourly unit prices of CPU and memory for CAST Anywhere clusters in organization.getGet the hourly unit price for the CPU and memory of the CAST Anywhere cluster.getUpsert the hourly unit price for the CPU and memory of the CAST Anywhere cluster.patchCreate the hourly unit price for the CPU and memory of the CAST Anywhere cluster.postGet pricing for cluster nodes by node ids or all nodes if ids are not providedgetGet pricing for single cluster nodegetGet the pricing of organization nodes by ids or all nodes if ids are not providedgetSync GCP billing pricing API datapostNodeConfigurationAPILists cluster's node configurations.getCreates new node configuration for a specific cluster.postReturns suggested configuration for the clustergetDeletes node configuration of a specific cluster.deleteGet cluster's node configuration.getUpdates configuration of a specific cluster.postMarks node configuration as default.postGet list of presets available.getNodeTemplatesAPIFilter instance typespostGenerate node templatespostList node templatesgetCreate node templatepostDelete node templatedeleteUpdate node templateputNotificationAPIListNotifications returns notification entries for given organization.getAckNotifications acknowledges multiple notifications for the given organizationpostListWebhookConfig returns all available webhook categories and subcategoriesgetListWebhookConfig returns all existing webhook configurations for the given organizationgetCreateWebhookConfig creates a new webhook configuration for the given organizationpostDeleteWebhookConfig an existing webhook configurationdeleteGetWebhookConfig an existing webhook configuration for the given organizationgetUpdateWebhookConfig an existing webhook configuration for the given organizationputGetNotification returns an existing notification for the given organizationgetOperationsAPIGetOperation returns the operation object by ID.getPartnersAPIList partner child organizations. Organizations are sorted based on the date organizations were created, so first organization will always be the latest.getCreate partner child organization.postReturns token to access partner child organization.postDeletes token which is used to access partner child organization.deletePodMutationsAPIList pod mutationsgetCreate pod mutationpostGet mutator statusgetGet install command for mutatorgetGet install scriptgetDeletes pod mutation configurationdeleteGet pod mutationsgetUpdate pod mutationputPoliciesAPIGets all viable settings to be used for the Node Constraints feature.getGets policies configuration for the target cluster.getUpsert cluster's policies configuration.putDboAPIList onboarded cloud accounts.getRemove the onboarded cloud account.deleteList cache groups.getCreate cache group.postList cache configurationsgetCreate cache configurationpostGet cache efficiency data.getGet cache queriesgetList cache TTL configurationsgetDeletes TTL cache configurationdeleteUpdates TTL cache configurationputGet cache summarygetDeletes cache configurationdeleteUpdates cache configurationputCreate cache TTL configurationpostDeletes cache group.deleteGet cache group.getUpdate cache group.putState exchangepostGet database cluster detailsgetList database componentsgetList database instancesgetCreate database instancepostDelete database instancedeleteUpdate database instanceputGet database instance detailsgetGet database instance cache performancegetGet database instance infrastructure metricsgetDelete logical database.deleteCreate logical databases.postSends notification that someone filled in early access surveypostCreate new registration.postReturns shell script to execute a registrationgetGet registration status.getCreate registration status update.postRbacServiceAPICreateGroup creates a group for the organization.postUpdateGroup updates the group for the organization.patchDeleteGroup deletes the group for the organization.deleteGetGroup fetches a group for the organization.getListRoleBindings lists the role bindings for the organization.getCreateRoleBindings creates role bindings for the organization.postDeleteRoleBinding deletes the role binding for the organization.deleteGetRoleBinding fetches the role binding for the organization.getUpdateRoleBinding updates the role binding for the organization.patchListRoles lists the roles for the organization.getRuntimeSecurityAPI/v1/security/runtime/anomaliesget/v1/security/runtime/anomalies/ackpost/v1/security/runtime/anomalies/closepost/v1/security/runtime/anomalies/{id}get/v1/security/runtime/anomalies/{id}/eventsget/v1/security/runtime/anomalies/{id}/trigger-webhookpost/v1/security/runtime/eventsget/v1/security/runtime/events/groupsget/v1/security/runtime/events/process-tree/{clusterId}get/v1/security/runtime/listget/v1/security/runtime/listpost/v1/security/runtime/list/deletepost/v1/security/runtime/list/{id}get/v1/security/runtime/list/{id}/addpost/v1/security/runtime/list/{id}/entriesget/v1/security/runtime/list/{id}/removepost/v1/security/runtime/netflow/{clusterId}/graphget/v1/security/runtime/netflow/{clusterId}/listget/v1/security/runtime/netflow/{clusterId}/trendgetGetAnomaliesOverview returns an overview of anomalies for all nodes and workloads.get/v1/security/runtime/rulesget/v1/security/runtime/rulespost/v1/security/runtime/rules/deletepost/v1/security/runtime/rules/togglepost/v1/security/runtime/rules/validatepost/v1/security/runtime/rules/{id}get/v1/security/runtime/rules/{id}put/v1/security/runtime/workloads-netflow/{clusterId}getScheduledRebalancingAPIList rebalancing jobsgetCreate rebalancing jobpostDelete rebalancing jobdeleteGet rebalancing jobgetUpdate rebalancing jobputPreview rebalancing schedulepostList rebalancing schedulesgetCreate rebalancing schedulepostEdit rebalancing scheduleputDelete rebalancing scheduledeleteGet rebalancing schedulegetList available rebalancing Time ZonesgetServiceAccountsAPIDeleteServiceAccounts deletes a list of service accounts for the given organization.deleteListServiceAccounts lists all service accounts for organization in context.getCreateServiceAccount creates a service account for the given organization.postDeleteServiceAccount deletes a service account for the given organization.deleteGetServiceAccount gets a service account for the given organization.getUpdateServiceAccount updates a service account for the given organization.patchCreateServiceAccountKey creates a service account key for the given organization.postUpdateServiceAccountKey updates a service account key for the given organization.patchDeleteServiceAccountKey deletes a service account key for the given organization.deleteGetServiceAccountKey gets a service account key for the given organization.getSSOAPIList organization SSO connections.getCreate organization SSO connection.postDelete organization SSO connection.deleteGet organization SSO connection.getUpdate organization SSO connection.postUsageAPI[Deprecated] Use /v1/billing/usage-report instead.get[Deprecated] Use /v1/billing/usage-report instead.getUsersAPIGets all pending invitations in the organization.getCreate invitations to join organization by emailpostDelete an invitation by id.deleteConsume invitation and add current user to organizationpostGet profile for current user.getUpdate profile for current user.postList user organizations. If all arguments are empty, lists organizations for caller user. Organizations are sorted based on the date user joined the org, so first organization will always be the default one.getCreates an organization.postDelete an organization by id.deleteGet an organization by id.getEdit an organization by id.postRemoves users from organization members.deleteGets all users which are members of the organization.getMakes the user a member of the organization.postRemoves the user from organization members.delete[Deprecated] use RbacServiceAPI for permission management instead.putLists groups that a user is assigned to in the organization.getWorkloadOptimizationAPIReturns status of workload-autoscaler agent.getReturns a list of limit ranges for given cluster.getReturns a list of workload scaling policies for given cluster.getCreates a scaling policy that can be assigned to workloads at a later time.postUpdates the order of scaling policies for a given cluster.putDeletes a scaling policy.deleteReturns scaling policy.getUpdates a scaling policy.putAssigns the provided list of workload IDs to the specified policy.putReturns a list of resource quotas for given cluster.getReturns a list of workload events for given cluster.getReturns a specific workload event by the given id.getReturns a list of workloads for the given cluster.getReturns workloads optimization summary.getReturns a workload by a given id.getReturns workload-autoscaler installation command.getReturns workload-autoscaler installation script.getUpdates a CAST AI managed workload V2.putAI EnablerComponentsAPIList CASTware components.getHostedModelSpecsAPIList hosted model specs.getHostedModelsAPIList hosted models.getDelete hosted model deployment.deleteScale the hosted model deployment.postCreate hosted model.postOnboardingAPIGet the onboarding command.getGet the onboarding script.getPlaygroundChatCompletionsAPICreate playground chat completion.postSettingsAPIList settings.getGet settings for an API key.getCreate or update settings for an API key.putDelete setting for an API key.deleteGet settings.getUpdate settings.patchResolve settings.getLists clusters for current user's organization.get https://api.cast.ai/v1/kubernetes/external-clusters