
2022 November

  • We have reworked the user onboarding flow to improve the experience. Now, users can explore a demo cluster available immediately after registration, providing a guided tour through CAST AI features.

  • When users connect an EKS cluster with GPU-attached nodes Savings report now displays the GPU count as a separate dimension.

  • Users now have the ability to swap between Nodes and Workloads view when preparing to rebalance the cluster. It makes it easier to identify problematic workloads in one go.

  • The minimum node count figure is now exposed in the Rebalancing plan screen so that users can configure the minimum desired number of nodes in the post-rebalanced cluster state. That way, customers have more control over the rebalancing outcome to align with their goal for high availability / compute resource distribution.

  • For EKS users, we have added the support for autoscaling using Storage optimized nodes when the workload requests ephemeral storage in the pod definition (i.e., via nodeSelector and toleration, read more in our docs).

  • Node templates now support the Fallback feature, so users who create node pools using templates consisting of spot nodes can benefit from CAST AI's ability to guarantee capacity even when spot nodes are temporarily not available.

  • Fixed a bug that caused Evictor not to shut down when the Empty node policy is turned off.

  • Added ARM node support into CAST AI provisioner for EKS and GKE clusters. Now ARM nodes can be added to the cluster via API, autoscaling support is coming up next.

  • Made Evictor more cluster context-aware, so when it is used in the 'aggressive mode,' it will not remove single replica pods in big batches, to avoid downtime.

  • Improved Autoscaler logic: when the autoscaler has a choice of AZ (pods don't require specific zone via selector or attached volumes), it will choose the zone where there's less provisioned capacity (CPU) and fewer blacklisted instances. Both factors are taken into account - heavy underprovisioning will win against slightly higher blacklist count, and vice versa.

  • Fixed bugs and released several user experience improvements in the Security report.

  • Released a new version of the CAST AI agent; the list of changes can be found here. To update the agent in your cluster, please follow these steps.

  • Released a new version of our Terraform provider; the list of changes can be found here. The provider, together with modules, can be found in the registry.