
This CAST AI feature informs you via UI or webhook about key issues affecting the cluster. Secondly, this interface is used to pass other valuable information, such as the daily vulnerability report. This guide outlines the notification types you may see in CAST AI with relevant action points.

Once new items are ready for your view, the bell icon in the top menu will show a mark. You’ll be able to view all items in the Notifications center.

Due to the dynamic nature of Kubernetes clusters, notifications are set to expire automatically in 24 hours.

Types of notifications according to their severity

SeverityNotificationFurther details and suggested action points
CriticalFailed to reconcile the clusterThis can happen, for example, when a CAST AI service account gets modified, losing some permissions in the process.
Node deletion failedThe process of deleting nodes failed due to expired or removed credentials. Please check your credentials and try again.
WarningOutdated cluster controllerThe cluster controller’s auto-update failed.
Spot quota exceededSpot instance quota exceeded. Falling back to on-demand instances.
Cannot find valid instance types for the given workloadsAutoscaler failed to find matching nodes for your deployments. Please check the deployment manifests for potential conflicts and contact our support if the error persists.
InfoDaily Vulnerability ReportThis message contains the list of new vulnerabilities that appeared in a cluster in the last 24 hours.