Helm Charts

Guide how to install and upgrade Helm charts

You can install most of the CAST AI Helm charts using our onboarding script. But if you want to do it yourself, follow this guide.

Getting the API key

To get an API, you need to navigate to the CAST AI console and generate a full-access API key (API -> API Access Key).

Read-only mode for EKS, GKE, and AKS

Read-only mode manual connection:

Add the helm repository first:

helm repo add castai-helm https://castai.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update


helm upgrade -i castai-agent castai-helm/castai-agent -n castai-agent \
  --set apiKey="<replace_with_your_api_key>" \
  --set provider="eks"


helm upgrade -i castai-agent castai-helm/castai-agent -n castai-agent \
  --set apiKey="<replace_with_your_api_key>" \
  --set provider="gke"


helm upgrade -i castai-agent castai-helm/castai-agent -n castai-agent \
  --set apiKey="<replace_with_your_api_key>" \
  --set provider="aks"

In case of any problems with connecting to the CAST AI console, please check this section in our Troubleshooting.

Components required for autoscaling

Here is a list of commands for installing Helm charts required for autoscaling:


To install the castai-cluster-controller, i.e., the component for executing different Kubernetes-related operations:

helm upgrade -i cluster-controller castai-helm/castai-cluster-controller -n castai-agent  
  --set castai.apiKey="\<replace_with_your_api_key>"  
  --set castai.clusterID=\<replace_with_castai_cluster_id>

To install a spot-handler for handling spot interruptions:

helm upgrade -i castai-spot-handler castai-helm/castai-spot-handler -n castai-agent \
  --set castai.apiURL=https://api.cast.ai \
  --set castai.clusterID=<replace_with_castai_cluster_id> \
  --set castai.provider=aws

To install Evictor to reduce the cluster size:

helm upgrade -i castai-evictor castai-helm/castai-evictor -n castai-agent --set replicaCount=0

To install a security overview (optional information):

helm upgrade -i castai-kvisor castai-helm/castai-kvisor -n castai-agent 
  --set castai.apiURL=https://api.cast.ai \
  --set castai.clusterID=<replace_with_castai_cluster_id> \
  --set structuredConfig.provider=eks \
  --set castai.apiKey=<replace_with_your_api_key>


To install the castai-cluster-controller, i.e., the component for executing some Kubernetes-related operations:

helm upgrade -i cluster-controller castai-helm/castai-cluster-controller -n castai-agent  
  --set castai.apiKey="\<replace_with_your_api_key>"  
  --set castai.clusterID=\<replace_with_castai_cluster_id>
  --set aks.enabled=true

To install a spot handler for handling spot interruptions:

helm upgrade -i castai-spot-handler castai-helm/castai-spot-handler -n castai-agent \
  --set castai.apiURL=https://api.cast.ai \
  --set castai.clusterID=<replace_with_castai_cluster_id> \
  --set castai.provider=azure

To install Evictor to reduce the cluster size:

helm upgrade -i castai-evictor castai-helm/castai-evictor -n castai-agent --set replicaCount=0


To install the castai-cluster-controller, i.e., the component for executing different Kubernetes-related operations:

helm upgrade -i cluster-controller castai-helm/castai-cluster-controller -n castai-agent  
  --set castai.apiKey="\<replace_with_your_api_key>"  
  --set castai.clusterID=\<replace_with_castai_cluster_id>

To install a spot-handler for handling spot interruptions:

helm upgrade -i castai-spot-handler castai-helm/castai-spot-handler -n castai-agent \
  --set castai.apiURL=https://api.cast.ai \
  --set castai.clusterID=<replace_with_castai_cluster_id> \
  --set castai.provider=gcp

To install Evictor to reduce the cluster size:

helm upgrade -i castai-evictor castai-helm/castai-evictor -n castai-agent --set replicaCount=0

Components required for security assessment of your product

In addition to autoscaling, CAST AI's security posture service secures your Kubernetes clusters. View the Security Reports page for more details.


To install the security agent, run the following command:

helm upgrade -i castai-kvisor castai-helm/castai-kvisor -n castai-agent 
  --set castai.apiURL=https://api.cast.ai \
  --set castai.clusterID=<replace_with_castai_cluster_id> \
  --set structuredConfig.provider=aks \
  --set castai.apiKey=<replace_with_your_api_key>


To install the security agent, run the following command:

helm upgrade -i castai-kvisor castai-helm/castai-kvisor -n castai-agent 
  --set castai.apiURL=https://api.cast.ai \
  --set castai.clusterID=<replace_with_castai_cluster_id> \
  --set structuredConfig.provider=gcp \
  --set castai.apiKey=<replace_with_your_api_key>


To install the security agent, run the following command:

helm upgrade -i castai-kvisor castai-helm/castai-kvisor -n castai-agent 
  --set castai.apiURL=https://api.cast.ai \
  --set castai.clusterID=<replace_with_castai_cluster_id> \
  --set structuredConfig.provider=eks \
  --set castai.apiKey=<replace_with_your_api_key>

Helm values

Each of the CAST AI helm charts has values described in this Github repository.