Security Reports


Maintaining a secure Kubernetes configuration can be challenging, especially when dealing with extensive and complex setups. To help you overcome this challenge, CAST AI provides comprehensive Security Reports that allow you to scan your clusters for vulnerabilities and assess them against industry best practices. The reports generated by this feature offer actionable insights to help you identify and resolve detected issues.

CAST AI's Security Reports ensure that your organization's Kubernetes security and DevOps configuration adhere to established best practices. The feature provides a consolidated view of all images currently running across your organization's clusters and associated vulnerabilities, regardless of the cloud service provider (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud).

Security Reports are available to all users who have onboarded their clusters to CAST AI and enabled the Security feature. To read more about enabling the CAST AI Security component, read the Getting started section.

Organization-level security reports

To access the list of clusters onboarded to the Security solution, navigate to the Security > Settings section of the CAST AI console. Currently, CAST AI offers the following organization-level reports:

Best practice

  • Assesses your clusters against industry best practices and provides recommendations for improvement.
  • Helps you identify and remediate configuration issues that may compromise the security of your Kubernetes environment.

Image security

  • Scans all container images running across your organization's clusters and identifies vulnerabilities.
  • Provides a comprehensive overview of image security, enabling you to take proactive measures to address potential risks.

Nodes OS update automation

  • Monitors the age of nodes on your cluster and provides automation capabilities for keeping them up to date.
  • Helps you maintain a secure and stable Kubernetes environment by ensuring that your nodes are running the latest security patches and updates.

Attack paths

  • Identifies potential attack paths within your Kubernetes cluster based on the configuration and network topology.
  • Provides insights into the possible ways an attacker could exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to your cluster resources.

Please refer to the dedicated pages for each report to learn more about their specific features, benefits, and usage instructions.

Version for users with the read-only agent installed

If you have connected your cluster to CAST AI using the read-only agent, you can access a limited version of the Best Practice report and Node OS updates automation report without the ability to schedule periodic updates.

To generate these reports, we use the cluster state data from the read-only agent. This agent is the one that connects your cluster to CAST AI, so you don't need to take any additional steps to activate the report.