Available Savings

Use this report to find out how much exactly you can save thanks to optimizing your cluster.

This report gives you a clear idea of how much you can save thanks to CAST AI’s autoscaling features.

Please note that the report's content varies depending on whether you have a read-only cluster or a cluster fully managed by CAST AI. Here’s what to expect in both cases:

1. Available savings report for read-only clusters

The top section of the report provides estimates of the savings you can achieve with CAST AI. The global number depends on the settings from different report cards located below.

This section also estimates your current cluster costs and how much you can save thanks to the recommendations included in the report.

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Report cards:

1. Workload Rightsizing estimates the potential savings you can achieve by optimizing your workloads.

2. Spot Instances feature estimates the savings you can get thanks to spot instance automation. You can switch between savings for all workloads or only the spot-friendly ones.

3. ARM Support estimates the savings you can achieve by using ARM instances. You can choose the percentage of ARM CPUs you want to use.

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4. Comparison of configurations over time lets you see your average savings in the last 24 hours or seven days. You can also use it to compare the average waste of resources – CPU, memory, node count – in the current and optimal configurations.

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Please note: this report's details are visible only to CAST AI's managed service users.

5. Comparison of configurations over time lets you see your average available savings in the last 24 hours or 7 days.

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You can also use it to compare the average waste of resources – CPU, memory, node count – in the current and optimal configurations. Please note that this report is fully visible only to users of CAST AI’s managed service.

2. Available savings report for CAST AI-managed clusters

This section outlines the reports that are only available to users of CAST AI's managed service.

If CAST AI manages your cluster, the top section of this report displays a progress bar indicating how far away you are from reaching the recommended setup:

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Additionally, you also gain access to the detailed configuration comparison. The report includes both the optimized cost and the most efficient configuration details:

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